
We can see from here just how beautiful you are.

babe /bāb/:

A person that is open to the world around him or her, strives to be themselves in the face of inevitable hardship, sees beyond what is to what could be, and pursues their goals with an inspiring joie de vivre.

13 Sep Katie Heath

“I’m sorry, I haven’t talked to anyone in a few days, and I’m just vomiting words on you.”

Katie Heath, the eternally deadpan and hilariously sarcastic mastermind behind the FLUNK LIFE t-shirt brand, apologizes to me on a recent, cross-country catch-up call. “I live alone now, which is why I’m crazier,” Katie explains. “I recently moved into a huge place, which FLUNK LIFE did kind of pay for, in an old persons community. I don’t really get to party now…I think if I were Andrew WK-dumb for parties I’d be a happier person.” But instead of living a party-hard lifestyle, Katie’s busy filling orders for her t-shirts, having sold over 2,500 since she opened up her online store three years ago.
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